Credit Card Reconsideration
Reconsideration: Even if you are rejected you can always ask for reconsideration for approval. Be proactive by offering to have older cards closed or have credit lines shifted around from older cards to newer cards.
AMEX: 866-314-0237 (Application reconsideration)
Membership Rewards: 800-297-3276
Chase: 800-432-3117 (Application status)
Chase: 888-270-2127 (Application reconsideration)
Chase: 877-781-3109 (Card combining & card type changes)
Chase: 888-245-0625 (Credit Analyst reconsideration)
Chase: 888-622-7547 (Chase Executive Office)
Citi: 866-606-2787 (Account Analyst)
Citi: 888-201-4523 (New App Approval Status)
Citi App Status: 800-645-7240, 800-288-4653, 800-750-7453
Citi: 800-444-2568 (Retention Dept.)
Citi: 800-763-9795 (Credit Dept.)
Citi Credit Bureau Dispute Fax: 866-713-5028