Where Did Your Inquiries Pull From
AMEX: Experian
Capital One: Pulled from all 3 bureaus.
Chase Credit Cards: Transunion
Chase Banking: Experian
Citi (Consumer and CBSD/Business): Experian
Discover: Equifax
Elavon credit card processing: Equifax
FIA (BOFA): Experian
Barclay: Transunion
New York:
Amex: Experian (three browser trick confirmed, at least for AsherO)
Bank of America: TransUnion
CapitalOne: All three bureaus, duh!
Chase: Experian (three browser trick confirmed, at least for AsherO)/equifax
Citi: Equifax (three browser trick confirmed (AsherO), though it seems biz card was a separate pull), both personal and biz pulls./Experian
Discover: TransUnion
SimmondsFirst: TransUnion
chase banking: trans union
Barclays: TransUnion (browser trick didn't work, two apps two pulls)
Bofa: experian
Schwab: Equifax
Macy's: Experian
Equifax=All my citi apps
Experian= 2 amex and 2 chase
Transunion= 3 chase (came up as first usa)
American Express: Experian
Chase: Experian
Bank of America: Experian
Barclays Bank: Experian, Equifax
Capital One: Experian, Equifax, Transunion
Citi Business: Exquifax
Citi Personal: Exquifax
AT&T : Equifax
Verizon: Experian
Only have access to Experian - Capital One, Amex, Chase, Citi - reg and bus
Amex: Experian
Bank of Am: Experian
Capital One: All 3
Citi Business: Experian
Citi Personal: Experian
AT&T : Equifax (unauthorized)
BB&T: Equifax
Chase: Equifax
PenFed: Equifax
Amex: Experian (1 hit applying for Gold and Platinum :) )
BofA: TransUnion and Experian
Chase: Experian/Equifax
Citi: Experian
03/11 Amex Plat - Experian
Amex Gold - Experian( should of done them together)
Citi - Experian
01/11 Citi -Experian
08/10 Chase CO - Experian
Citi - Experian
07/10 Amex SPG - Experian
Chase: Transunion (!)